
December 18, 2007

In both Goju-Ryu, which I practice, and Uechi-Ryu (a close cousin), many of the same sayings exist about San Chin (Three Battles):

  1. Sanchin is of primary importance
  2. Everything is in Sanchin
  3. Practice Sanchin every day

In these systems, Sanchin appears to be a “basic” form, containing (on the surface):

  1. Stepping in a short, basic stance
  2. Forward-facing posture with both hands guarding the middle
  3. Punch or thrust
  4. Grab and pull
  5. Circular block and double palms
  6. Specific breath coordination
  7. Particular posture and muscular tension

But, looking deeper, you’ll see more:


  1. Shoulders down
  2. Back straight and chin down
  3. Elbows close to the body
  4. Punching / Thrusting technique (elbows down)
  5. Block on return punch / thrust
  6. Pulling in and down
  7. Coordination of breathing and technique

Lower Body

  1. Weight evenly distributed
  2. Groin protected
  3. Knees protected
  4. Aggressive, circular stepping technique
  5. Smooth movement, without bobbing up and down
  6. Controlled stepping, keeping the entire foot flat, sliding and searching with the foot.
  7. Each step is initiated by contracting and pulling the foot in, and expanding out to the next step.  This assists in defending against foot sweeps, and helps in attacking the attacker’s root.

Unified body

  1. Concentration of energy from ground into punching technique.
  2. Slow technique gives the student the time to think and self-correct structural and technique problems.
  3. Sanchin Testing (“Shime”) varying from body conditioning to assisting the performer in awareness of parts of the body not locked.
  4. Sanchin breathing assists the user in exhaling when attacking, and reserving a small amount of air that
    keeps the user from having the wind knocked out of them if struck.

Seeing the little bit I saw of the arts represented in Penang and Kuching, I have to say there is a fair amount of similarity, not necessarily in the shape, but certainly in the intent of the form.


One Response to “Sanchin”

  1. 3conflicts Says:

    Hi Russ, and Hi Eric,

    I am a student of Uechi-ryu Karate, and Five Ancestor Fist. What a wonderful site!

    “Seeing the little bit I saw of the arts represented in Penang and Kuching, I have to say there is a fair amount of similarity, not necessarily in the shape, but certainly in the intent of the form.”

    I could not agree more!


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