Fuzhou White Crane USA.

May 12, 2008

One of the prime reasons for my visit to the US is to work with my students there to ensure that Fuzhou Crane is propagated appropriately; I taught Saolim, Tai Zu and White Crane when I was stationed there some 8 years ago.

Besides streamlining and standardizing the curriculum, we also figured out ways to keep communication loop efficient.

I am in Singapore/Malaysia and now I got students/friends teaching White Crane in Seattle, Colorado and Florida. On top of that, another of my students, James Stacy, is asking for permission to set up White Crane schools in Arkansas and Oklahoma…

Looks like I will be visiting the US quite a bit from now on to keep passing on more Fuzhou Crane.

All this is only doable because my Sihing has approved to spread to the art to the West and with only the 2 of us in the family, it’s important for me to seek his endorsement in all that I do.

Chas, my senior student, has indicated that he will be visiting Malaysia towards the end of this year and I am trying to get all my students to make the same trip.

Not only to pick up more White Crane but also to get my Sihing to conduct a “pai si” ceremony…

Ya ya I know this is nothing more than a ceremony but this is something that I want to keep intact….I went through a “pai si” ritual with all my teachers……

Here’s my Sihing again doing our “4 doors” form

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