Old Kung Fu books.

January 25, 2008


This drawing comes from an old book about “Monkey” Boxing.

Don’t you just love the illustration; I got many of such books where the illustrations alone are worth collecting.

I remember watching old “Fukien” black/white kung fu movies as a kid and they were dressed exactly like that; all sorts of amusing head wears which I was told denote ranks and professions.

Hmmm, so I wear a baseball cap almost all the times; I wonder what that means?

Anyway, that aside, this particular form of monkey booking in the book is not linked to any particular systems – kinda like stand alone. Written in old Mandarin, it’s going to take a while to “decipher” ….

No OTT mimicking of monkey anywhere in the form except for a few “monkey hooking hands” postures.

Appears to be more slanted towards northern schools what with hand striking and leg kicking together – you know like in Tan Tui / Character 10 battle etc etc ….. Jin Wu standards.




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