洪拳宗師 – 鄧芳(西關老虎) Hung Gar GM Deng Feng.

March 6, 2009

Another example of the “excavation” work that is currently undertaken by various CKF groups on the mainland.

About time too;  much have sadly vanished for all kind of reasons.

Wushu is part of Chinese cultural heritage and the Chinese must work hard to put everything in order before passing it on.

It’s really heartening to read about the revived dynamism as far as “cleaning up” is concerned.

Don’t get me wrong folks; CKF practice is no way exclusive to the Chinese. The fact that I am teaching traditional Fuzhou Cranes to Americans is enough evidence to how I feel about this matter.

But as long as it is “Chinese” Kung Fu tracing roots back to China, we all want to be as historically exact as possible …. Right?

 I am pretty sure nobody wants to” admit thieves as father”.



        鄧芳之技藝高超,在西關還未設館時,有一次,在上西關財神廟舉辦首砲活動, 翁和堂帥老郁與錦綸堂袁開因爭奪頭砲而大打出手,剛巧林世榮偕鄧芳,鄧二,關坤也來趁熱鬧,見翁和堂的人被困,便上前相助,鄧芳初生之犢,毫不畏怯,獨力應付袁開,不到一回合便把袁開擊倒在地上,而袁開的首徒也被關坤重創,一時令鄧芳聲名大噪.而另一件事是林世榮樂善戲院困獸之鬥一役,鄧芳也在場並協助林世榮等人衝出困獸之鬥,這一戰死傷無數,因而被清政府通緝,其後去了南洋吉隆坡發展,在宋溪山的錫礦場管治礦工兩年,其事滿青政府被推翻,建立民國,於是鄧芳重回西關並設館授徒.

Grand Master Deng Feng – Tiger of Xiguan. (1879-1955)

A key personality in the transmission of Hung Gar in Malaysia.

Together with Lin Shirong, famed student of Huang Fei Hung, Deng was pursued by the Qing government.

He made his getaway and ended up in Kuala Lumpur, the now capital of Malaysia. He was there for 2 years until the Qing government was overthrown completely.

Amongst Deng’s many disciples is the Hong Kong eminent Hung Gar master, Ho Lup Tin…..





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