2 more clips.

February 8, 2008

2 more clips:-

The first is from Emei Tu Men and a form called “San Jiao Zhuang” or “3 Corners/Angles Postures”.

What so unusual about this form, you might ask? Well, I have been working with a group of TCMA exponents here in Sarawak doing a style they call “San Jiao Zhuang” – a Hakka style.

And as I recall, when talking to them about origin, “Emei” was briefly mentioned; just like some of the Hakka Mantis here claim lineage to Emei.

Well, with the Hakka, you’ll never know since they were the “gypsies” of China and they could have picked up knowledge from any of the places they passed through back then….

Clip 2 is another that I downloaded from youku – Mai Gei Wong Wing Chun. I really like this and I am sure you will too….

As mentioned, more Emei Pai.

Don’t really know what styles Emei are featured in the clip except maybe the first and second form could be “Dragon” or “Fire Dragon” Boxing…..

I remember how my teachers used to describe Emei as “dynamic stepping”; they move a lot just like in Northern styles kung fu.

Yup, pretty much the case as I looked through all my Emei footage; just like in Northern styles – “one horse one fist”…..